Manners Blog

Manners and Minecraft for Etiquette Experts

Manners and Minecraft for Etiquette Experts

What are your thoughts on Manners and Minecraft?  I am sharing mine today and it might surprise you! Last week I was a keynote speaker for a company that asked me to speak on Generational Connections and Differences in the workplace. Timing is everything! ...

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A Book for Your Etiquette Library at Home 

A Book for Your Etiquette Library at Home 

As a certified etiquette expert, you will want an extensive library at home that includes books on manners for children.   This book caught my attention as I was shopping in a beautiful interior design store. Oli and Basil:...

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Marjorie Post on Etiquette and Social Graces

Marjorie Post on Etiquette and Social Graces

Marjorie Post and The Book You Must Read if You Are a Soon to Be Etiquette Expert For etiquette experts, Marjorie Post’s life is a masterclass in the art of social graces and influence.  This has been one of my favorites books so far in 2024.  I did not want it...

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Lisa RicheyLisa Richey provides etiquette programs to businesses, schools, and individuals.

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