News Day (a New York based newspaper) recently asked my thoughts and observations about tipping.
This is a very hot topic at the moment.
Tipping Etiquette: What You Need to Know Right Now

There is a new tipping culture and many are questioning when is it too much.
You might be asking:
How do I handle when the screen is turned to face me and requesting more money?
What about the tipping jar at the dry cleaners?
Should I tip for a grab-and-go bottle of water?
Most of us have reached the point where we are either confused over tipping or have stopped completely (except at restaurants).
The Etiquette of Tipping
First, I think you shouldn’t feel guilty if you decide not to tip once the screen turns your way.
It is a judgement call on your part.
Traditionally, as Americans, we are accustomed to tipping servers at a restaurant. And many base that on the level of service received. Most of us tip between the 15-20% range.
Since many retailers have turned to the IPad (or screens) to process transactions and as a society we have become mostly cashless, tipping has become the norm or standard whether you are paying for a pack of gum or a salad to-go. Some retailers, such as dry cleaners and sandwich shops have placed the standard tip jar by the register.
The News Day article tells the story of a consumer going into a large donut chain, orders a muffin and the screen asks for a tip.
Many are asking when is enough. The article calls it ‘tip-flation’ or ‘tipping invasion’.
The Latest on the Etiquette of Tipping
Never feel guilty or embarrassed when tipping (or choosing not to tip). Do what you think is best. If you had good service and are feeling generous, then add a tip.
When at the register, there is not a need to justify whether you do or don’t.
Smile, make eye contact and be courteous.
I will continue to add tips when I go to restaurants.
Other places, such as the dry cleaners, grab-and-go’s will be on a case by case basis.
I do believe (see my comments in the article), ultimately the business owner needs to question the act of requesting tips. They need to consider the feelings of the consumer.
If you are interested in reading the entire article, click here.
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