how to clean your favorite teacups

If you are like me, you have a favorite teacup and use it every morning.  

And, if you use the same one or rotate between a few,  you may notice a build up of tea stains.

Even though I wash my teacups really well and I take good care of them, staining happens.

Most of my teacups are washed by hand.

Simple Steps To Wash and Take Care of Your Teacups  

Etiquette Expert on Thank You Notes

Cleaning tea cups is a relatively simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you clean your tea cups effectively:

  1. Gather the necessary supplies: You will need dishwashing liquid or a mild detergent, a sponge or soft brush, a clean dishcloth or towel, and hot water.
  2. Pre-rinse the cups: Before washing, give your tea cups a quick rinse under hot water to remove any loose tea leaves or residue.
  3. Create a soapy solution: Fill your sink with warm water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid or a mild detergent. Mix the solution to create a soapy mixture.
  4. Wash the cups: Submerge the tea cups in the soapy solution and use a sponge or soft brush to gently scrub the inside and outside of the cups. Pay attention to the rim, handle, and any decorative patterns. Be gentle to avoid damaging delicate cups.

How To Get Stains Out of Your Teacups

My favorite is using the vinegar method.  It works every time and is very easy.

  1. Remove stains: If your tea cups have stubborn stains, you can create a paste using baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the stains and gently scrub with a sponge or brush. Rinse thoroughly afterward.
  2. Rinse thoroughly: After washing, rinse the tea cups under warm running water to remove any soap residue. Make sure to rinse both the inside and outside of the cups.
  3. Dry the cups: Use a clean dishcloth or towel to dry the cups thoroughly. Make sure to dry the inside and outside completely to prevent water spots or mold from forming.

Additional Tips:

  • If your tea cups have any metallic accents or delicate decorations, consider hand washing them instead of using a dishwasher, as the heat and agitation in dishwashers can damage or fade such features.
  • Avoid using abrasive scrubbers or harsh chemicals that could damage the cup’s surface.
  • For stubborn stains or odors, you can try soaking the tea cups in a solution of warm water and vinegar for a few hours before washing.
  • If you notice any cracks or damage to the cups, avoid using them for drinking as they may be unsafe.

By following these steps, you should be able to clean your tea cups effectively and keep them in good condition for future use.

Here is a FREE Guide to Help YOU Start a Business Teaching Manners to Children


6 Things Needed to start an etiquette business

Here Are Your Next Steps

Step 1

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Step 2

Decide on the best training option for you

We offer two trainings to become certified to teach manners to children:

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Option #1:

“Live” Video Training

If you are looking to start immediately and save money on travel and time, then this is your best option.You choose the dates of our trainings. Most choose to have their sessions once a week, others twice. This is a “live” and private training. It is NOT self-guided.

2 Day Etiquette Certificate Training

Option #2:

Two-Day In-Person

PRIVATE Training.  That’s right, we meet in person, the two of us and our focus is completely on your business.  Click the image above or follow the button below to learn more and to see a list of cities available for your training.

Step 3

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